
The JH family of hash functions was submitted to the NIST SHA-3 competition by Hongjun Wu in 2008. It includes four hash functions: JH-224, JH-256, JH-384, and JH-512. JH was chosen as one of the five finalists of the competition, but in 2012 it ultimately lost to NIST hash candidate Keccak. JH has a 1024-bit state and works on 512-bit input blocks. Processing an input block consists of three steps. Despite not being selected as the winner of the competition, the JH hash functions are widely used in a variety of applications, including digital signatures, message authentication codes, and password storage.

The original paper by Hongjun Wu can be found at https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/wuhj/research/jh/jh_round3.pdf.
